Trust above all
A long-distance relationship must be built on trust; otherwise, it will not work. Please don’t call him every three minutes to find out what he’s doing, where he is, who he’s with when he’s coming home. The distance is not an excuse to harass the other and suffocate him.
You must give him his freedom as if you saw each other every evening. If he tells you he’s going to a party, be confident; if he told you, it’s because he doesn’t want to hide it from you, so stop stressing in your corner for fear that he won’t deceive you. Do the same and have fun with your girlfriends. It is not because you are not together that you do not have the right to live, have a good time and simply have a social life.
Stay close… in thought
Out of sight does not mean out of mind… and you have to show your darling that every day! Today, there are fantastic means of communication: phone calls to have a long chat, WhatsApp to get a little surprise attention or to send photos or videos of you, and instant messaging with FaceTime to chat face to face.
Do not hesitate to surprise him either, have him deliver a box of chocolates or a good bottle of wine to his office or home, send him a package with a surprise gift, a bouquet of flowers (not it’s not just for girls). In any case, give each other news every day or as often as possible if you cannot call each other daily. Tell each other about your days as if you met each evening after work, and use various ways to attract attention; in short, this regular contact is essential so that the bond between you does not become distended.

Talk about the future
If you think this guy is your soul mate or want to go a long way with him, talk about the future, build plans together, and set goals. It can range from the next vacation to the day you can finally live together.
Motivate yourself by thinking about the future; it will help you to hold on when you are reunited. Imagine together your future life and the environment you would like to have.
Spice up your relationship
When you’re far apart, set yourself challenges to complete when you finally find each other. This will allow you to wait until the next reunion.
For example, challenge yourself to make love in an unusual place, that he invites you to this restaurant where you would like to go so much, to have a massage evening with candles and champagne… Whether they are sexual or not, plan to do things that make you dream, and that will allow you to better live the distance by thinking pleasantly of your next moment together.
Boost yourself up
Finally, this long-awaited weekend where you will find him arrives. Enjoy 300% of these moments and him. Live the moment fully without thinking about the upcoming parting. Avoid mentioning that it is difficult to be away from him because it will ruin your weekend. If the long-distance relationship is complicated for you, talk about your suffering, but tell him that it would be better to discuss it more on the phone when you are far away to enjoy one another in the present moment.
Doing this will help you regain strength to face the upcoming distance. In addition, favorite moments for two to enjoy your privacy. When he’s far away, and you’re down, to boost yourself, think about all the good times and beautiful memories you have together: view your photos, read his messages… in short, be positive!